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NSRCA D7 Championship
From Saturday, October 22, 2022
To Sunday, October 23, 2022
Created By: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location : R/C Flyers Unlimited
Eastman Rd

AMA membership is required.

Field will be available for practice the Friday preceding the contest (please be aware some club members may be flying in the morning).

Overnight RV camping is available; no electrical hook-ups (15'-4" gate clearance height).

Camping fee payable to the County: $20/night for age 62 and older, veterans, and disabled. $40/night for everyone else.

UPDATE *** 9.30.2022 *** - Registration starts at 7:30 AM, Pilot's Meeting at 9:00 AM, wheels up 10:00 AM (Yes, 10 AM.  There is no flying until 10 AM because Oct 22nd is the start of Duck hunting season and the County doesn't allow any flying (electric or otherwise) until 10 AM during Duck hunting season.  There is no problem with flying earlier on Friday, Oct 21st though.

Entry fee will be $30 for Sportsman. $50 entry fee for all others.

6 Rounds Weather permitting.  Awards through 3rd place in all classes.

Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced, Masters, FAI-Silver, and FAI-F3A (P-23 & F-23) will be flown (6 rounds, weather permitting).

FAI-F3A will fly 4 rounds of P-23 and 2 rounds of F-23.  FAI Silver will fly P-23.

FAI scoring:  The best 3 of 4 of P will be Normalized to 1000 points and the best 2 of 3 (including one, or both rounds of F) will be used for the final score.

Gourmet Sandwich Lunch by Dale Olstinske on Saturday is included in the entry fee.

Each contestant will receive a T-shirt and coffee mug commemorating the event.

Contact : Jerry Budd

Contact : Jerry Budd 

CD EMail Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Results URL:

Event Flyer: District 7 Championships 2022.pdf

Other Attachments: 

(661) 435-0358
Registrations are now closed


Jerry Budd
Randy John Brunette
Lynn W Burks
William T Wallace
Daniel Lipton
Russell Nichols
Derek Robert Emmett
John L Bentley
Gary Banducci
Gary Banducci F3A P (Silver)
Lawrence Tougas
Lawrence Tougas Advanced
Scott Monroe
Scott Monroe Intermediate
Ron Davies
Ron Davies Advanced
Dale Olstinske
Dale Olstinske Advanced
Jonathan L. Carter
Jonathan L. Carter Masters
Fred Light
Fred Light Intermediate
Jarvis Johnson (unconfirmed)
Jarvis Johnson F3A P (Silver)
AttendeeFull NameCompetition Class