Judge Certification

You should find all the judging information you need here and if you don't, or have questions, please e-mail the judging committee for answers (contact information for the judging committee members are at the bottom of the page). Our goal is to get consistent judging throughout the country by providing judge training/certification through "in-person" seminars or by taking the online certification training.
If you would like to take the certification tests and do NOT see them listed when you click on the "Certification" menu item on the left then please login to the website first. If you are an NSRCA member then you'll be able to take the certification tests and should see them listed. If you are not an NSRCA member then you will need to pay $5 to register to take the certification tests - again, if you do not see a menu item on the left to "Sign Up for Certification" when you click on the "Certification" menu item, then you haven't logged into the website. Please click the "Login" menu item at the top right to log in and then you should see the "Sign Up for Certification" when you click on the "Certification" menu item.