What is the NSRCA?
The National Society of Radio Controlled Aerobatics objective is to promote the construction and competitive flying of radio controlled precision aerobatic model airplanes. To aid, insofar as possible, the Academy of Model Aeronautics and other AMA activities, to further the advancement of model aircraft aerobatics in all of its phases.
Pattern, as it is known in the USA, is flown around the world in many countries, and we have produced some incredible pilots that not only have led the world with their flying but also have led the world in model airplane technologies. From the late 1960's until today, US pilots have been major contributors to the sport of precision aerobatics. We've seen our sport evolve from a .60 size glow engine to a 2.00 cu size glow engine, and now electric motors have made huge inroads into our sport. All of these innovations have been led by a number of US pilots over the years.
We also produce a monthly magazine which is full of information on the latest airplane kits, building techniques, contest results and flying information. Another area that we pride ourselves in is our judging program - we have led the way in this area over the years in providing a high quality judging seminar which has taken our judging development to a new level in producing consistent, high quality judges that have gained the respect of their peers all over the world.
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