Peach Pattern Classic and D2-D3 Shoot-Out
Saturday, June 01, 2019, 08:00am
To Sunday, June 02, 2019
Created By: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location : Mac Hodges

Mark your calendars!  The first weekend of June is the Peach Pattern Classic and second annual D2-D3 Shoot-Out!  The location is Hodges' Field, 428 Neil Hodges Road, Andersonville, GA.  Mac's field is one of the finest RC flying locations in the country.  Ultra smooth grass runway and no obstructions!

This is going to be a big weekend!  We are offering a full line of enents.  We will fly all AMA classes, Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced, and FAI.  In addition, we will also fly the NSRCA Club Class.  If you have club members thinking about trying pattern, please encourage them to come out and fly the Club Class.

We are also going to run an experiment this time, Jet Aerobatics!  We are limiting the event to electric ducted fans (EDFs) this year.  We will fly the Basic and Scale and the EDF Known sequences.  We will fly as many rounds as time permits while still flying six rounds of AMA/F3A pattern.  Additional information is available here:

This contest is also the D2-D3 Shoot-Out.  D3 is defending it's collective honor.  Who will go home with the trophy this year?  Both districts need your support!

It's also D2 vice President Tim Pritchett's birthday!  We'll also squeeze in a celebration either at Saturday lunch or after flying ends on Saturday. 

The field is open for practice om Friday, May 31.

Entry fees are as follows: Club Class - $10.  EDF Aerobatics only - $10.  Club Class and EDF Aerobatics - $15.  AMA/F3A - $40.  AMA/F3A and EDF Aerobatics - $40.  So, if you're flying in the main contest, bring an aerobatic EDF such as a Freewing Avanti.  Saturday lunch is included!

Pilots' meeting is at 0830 Saturday. First take-off is 0900!

Be sure and bring bug spray.  We almost renamed this event the Georgia Nationals (GNATS)!  Those who attended in 2016 will understand.

I will update both here and via the NSRCA discussion list as we get closer to the date.

See you at Mac's!

Contact : Robert Campbell 

CD EMail Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Results URL:

Event Flyer: Peach Classic 2019.pdf

Other Attachments: 

Registrations are now closed


Robert G Campbell
'2019-02-07 10:04' Robert G Campbell Intermediate 2.4
Larry Lee Kauffman
'2019-04-19 08:02' Larry Lee Kauffman Advanced 2.4
Chris Tomberlin
'2019-05-19 13:56' Chris Tomberlin Sportsman 2.4
AttendeeRegistration TimeFull NameCompetition ClassFrequency